They have already joined the adventure:

- The Association Make your Science!
Created by Taïna in 2012, this association promotes scientific popularization and it is oriented towards interactive knowledge media. It supports the Voyage-Partage project and it finances part of the project. All donations intended to support the creation and presentation of Taina’s travel exhibitions should preferably be donated to the association.
A file of presentation of the association is available on the website, (section Support the project-The association). The same file it is usually attached to the printed version of this presentation file. - Carole Séjournet
She is the vice president of the association Fais taScience. She manages the administration of the association in the absence ofPresident Taïna Cluzeau, and informs the members of the progress of theproject. Carole has the status of editorial secretary on the project website.She is the Assistant Director of Sauvegarde du Nord (Safeguarding the North), a children’s aid association..

- Nadège Joly
She is the project communication manager and the community manager of the site. Science journalist, she organizes every year the festival “Pint of Science”, conferences and meetings between researchers and all audiences in different pubs across the city.

- Anne-Laure Thiery
Graphic designer and illustrator, she designs the communication support for the project. She also works as a graphic designer for several magazines - Giuseppe D’Elia
English bilingual sales manager, he participates in the translation of the website and the writing and translation of communication documents. - Mike Rosser
Former University Professor in UK, now retired, he rereads with great attention the official documents translated into English. - Marion Vankersschaver Denoize
Scientific Mediator, she participates in the design of exhibitions.
Do you want to be part of the adventure? Meet us here