Producing content

Now that I have found researchers, that I have a place for the exhibition (it has still to be confirmed though) all that remains is to realize the content. I think this is the part I prefer even if it is also the one that takes the most time! I think that’s because it’s the […]

Support from the French Institute

I have great news to announce, last week the travel-sharing project officially received the support of the French Embassy in Cairo via the Institut Français in Egypt.  A grant will be paid to the association Fais ta science! Which, as you know, finances the project. It will allow to pay some of the costs of […]

The House of Fools

I’ve been in Egypt for a month. So this is the time to renew my visa. Or rather to extend its period of validity because in Egypt, on arrival, at the airport, you are issued a visa valid for 3 months but if you stay more than one month you must also go to the […]

Where to follow me?

Since the beginning of this round of the world, as you know, I publish articles on this website, However I wanted to give you a little summary of the channels and social networks where I post additional information.  The main media where to find my articles is therefore the website Basically, there are […]

Afraid of the dentist?

“Do not go to the dentist in Egypt!”, strongly recommended my own dentist during my last check-up before the big departure. The legislation on the disinfection of the instruments being different from the European standard, my doctor assures me that the dental offices are an important vector of transmission of hepatitis C in Egypt. Thank […]

Travel companion

I’m happy to introduce you to this little frog who joined me in my adventure! It arrives straight from the Simin Palay College in Lescar, in the Pyrénées-Atlantique region. His journey will be followed closely by the students of the college who, I hope, will have many questions to ask us about our trip. With […]

Contact established

The point on which I was most late before going on a trip was to find the team of researchers with whom I was going to create the first exhibition in Egypt. On leaving, I was quite stressed because I did not know yet if the team with which I wanted to work would be […]